1. Bosch, Piet van den. The Crosiers They Share with Everyone. Minnesota: A Michael Glazier Book, The Liturgical Press, 1992.
  2. Janssen, Roger. 1248-2014, Ordo Salib Suci, Melompati Pelbagai Titik Patah. Bandung: SangKris, 2002.
  3. Janssen, Roger. Brotherhood In the Order of the Holy Cross, 1210-2014. St. Agatha-Cuijk, 2015.
  4. Janssen, Roger. The Normative Community In the Order of the Holy Cross, 1210-2015, an historical search. Maaseik, 2017.
  5. Pincharius, Petrus. Vestis Nuptialis. A Crosier Jubille Publication: Canon Regular of the Order of the Holy Cross, 1639.
  6. Rooijen, Henri van. Blessed Theodore, The Story of a Holy Man, The Founder of the Crosiers. Onamia: Crosier Press, 1999.
  7. Samosir, Leonardus. Ordo Salib Suci; Melewati Masa Lalu, Menuju Masa Depan. Bandung: SangKris, 2007.



  1. Lectures on : CROSIER SPIRITUALITY. Fort Wayne, Indiana: The Crosier House of Studies, 1957. Pembicaranya adalah : H.van de Ven (St.Agatha), M.Vinken (Diest), A.Lamot (Neeritter), J.Moors (Achel), T.Huijbers (Zouterwoude).
  2. Jerome W.Rausch,o.s.c., The Crosierstory : A History of the Crosier Fathers in the United States. Onamia, Minnesota: Crosier Press, 1960.
  3. Henri van Rooijen,o.s.cA History of the Crosier Order: An Endeavour. Fort Wayne: 1962. Pada Bab IX : The First Spirituality, tentang OSC pertama dikatakan bahwa “their life was devoted to the veneration of the Cross” (p.91).
  4. Spiritualiteitsdagen: 29-31 Agustus 1978 yang diselenggarakan di Diest, Belgia
  5. Gerard Q.Reijners,o.s.c., The Spirituality of the Cross: In the History of the Crosier Order, yang ditulis untuk “Spirituality Symposium 1988”.
  6. Piet van den Bosch,o.s.c., The Crosiers: They Share with Everyone. Collegeville, Minnesota: The Liturgical Press, 1992. Bab 8 Crosier Spirituality.
  7. Henri van Rooijen,o.s.c., Blessed Theodore: The Story of a holy man, the Founder of the Crosiers. Onamia, Minnesota: Crosier Press, 1999.
  8. ORDO SALIB SUCI: Melompati Pelbagai Titik Patah 1248-1998. Bandung: Komisi Sejarah, 2002. Terjemahan oleh J. Sunjata,o.s.c. dari judul asli Vijf breuklijnen van traditie en verneuwing in the Orde van het H.Kruis (1248-1998) karya Roger Jansen,o.s.c.



